Bringing Live Stand-up Comedy to Ashland, Talent, Medford, Grants Pass, & Jacksonville, OR

Hong Kong Komedy – Sept 20, 2009

Lordy, lordy, the show that almost didn’t happen.  Sorry, we didn’t get any video this time around (except the shameless plug below), but the night turned out well.  Three (3) of our comics called in sick this Sun., we had no working microphone, and the crew had added and pulled show events from Facebook enough times to thoroughly confuse our fans, ADD/ADHD or not.

Sunday Night – Live Web Blast (Sept. 20, 2009)

But, we luckily had three (3) new comics who wanted to give stand-up a shot, and an ample enough audience to deserve a good show, so the remaining BMC decided to go for it.  Levi “the Wrangler” hosted the evening, introducing three (3) newcomers: Scott, Victoria, and Adam; followed by a 25-minute set by Tyler Foley.

The lack of microphone allowed the audience to participate a little more than should be healthy for an amateur night, but Levi and Tyler had a blast with the outspoken members.  First there was the old bearded guy from Talent, who wouldn’t share his weed but wanted to share his Michael Jackson joke.

Old Guy: What do Michael Jackson & Wal-Mart have in common?

Audience: GROAN.

Wrangler: That one’s too old to be funny anymore.  What you haven’t heard is what Michael Jackson’s first words were after he lost his virginity.

Old Guy: What did he say?

Wrangler: His ABCs.

The Wrangler then proceeded to do a little song and dance to “A.B.C., 1,2,3.”

Later, while instructing the men how to extend a second orgasm after sex, one female in the audience thought she’d share with us that she could have ten (10) orgasms at a time, easily.   The Wrangler then traded web addresses with her, directing her to, and in turn getting her private webcam link.  Yeah!

Tyler Foley soon took the stage, first redeeming himself from an earlier joke by one of our amateurs about his ineptitude at properly replying to the phrase, “I think my ass is getting bigger.” In all fairness, who wouldn’t go to Google for help? Foley continued to entertain with his take on the paradox of hating racists, how he may have contracted AIDS, and being a pool life-guard for convicted rapists/murderers.  These aren’t the kind of life skills you can get just anywhere.

So check out our Show Info link on the right-hand menu –>> and check back on this website to learn of new shows, new nights, new venues, and check us out here at, as well as on Facebook and YouTube to catch clips, preview, and excerpts from all the Black Market Comedy shows.  Bringing the “hern Oreg” back to southern Oregon.